Changes you can do to your freight transporting company to reduce its environmental impact

29 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog


When delivering items all over the world, it's hard to keep your business as environmentally friendly as it possibly can, especially if you don't have the option of redirecting some of the cargo on to trains or boats. It's bound to produce gases that are bad for the environment. It can be hard to figure out solutions that can make your freight transporting business more environmentally friendly, but certainly not impossible. If you are looking to make some changes in your freight transporting business, you should know that you don't need to do very drastic changes to make your business greener.

Changing the ways of driving

If you're managing your business mainly with trucks and other vehicles meant to be driven on land, the first thing you can do is to educate your drivers. Plan routes with them to make sure they take the fastest way to the objective, and that they avoid routes that will cause them to start and stop a lot, like cities. Also encourage them not to drive faster than necessary, as exceeding the speed limit will cause more fuel to be used. When they have to stop, implement the practice of having them turn off the engine of the vehicle if it stands still for more than 3 minutes. Small changes like these can decrease your environmental impact significantly in the bigger picture.


It's also important to maintain the vehicles. Dirty filters or worn up spark plugs can increase the truck's fuel consumption. Keeping an eye on the truck's tyres can also be a good idea, as the wrong tyre pressure can cause vehicles to spend more fuel than they have to. Managing the weight of the truck is another procedure you can implement. This means removing any unnecessary gear in the vehicle that might be weighing it down, as well as planning the cargo that is supposed to go in it. Not filling the trucks with too much cargo can have the effect of decreasing how much fuel the vehicle is using.

Switching vehicles

 If you are really committed to improve your company's environmental procedures, you might want to invest in new, more environmentally friendly vehicles. Buying low-emission vehicles can make a substantial impact in reducing your environmental impact. These vehicles are often subjects to different types of tax emissions, which makes up for their cost to some extent. Entirely switching to alternatively fuelled vehicles is the next step. There are many options for these types of vehicles, like natural gas as fuel, hybrid vehicles, and fully electrical trucks.