Ways to Make Your Charter Bus Tour Feel Comfier

7 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog


Charter bus tours are an excellent way to see more of the world around you. Under the watch of an expert guide, you'll learn about historic attractions and visit new places. If your tour looks as though it'll last a while, it's worth learning how to make it feel comfier.

Try to pack light 

Although it's tempting to take everything you could possibly need onboard the bus, try to consider which items are necessary instead — for example, medications, your camera and water. When you start thinking about lots of food, a blanket and books, consider whether you can purchase the items while on the road. Your bus will make stops, so it might be possible to buy anything that isn't immediately essential. Overpacking will reduce the amount of leg room you have, and it will make your bag feel heavy as you explore different sites.

Focus on comfort rather than style

Even if you usually love to look your best, consider how comfortable you'll feel participating in a tour before picking your outfit. Aim for shoes that'll support your feet as you walk around different attractions. You might also want to consider wearing clothes that aren't too tight, especially if you're going to grab a big lunch. Although most tour buses come with excellent climate control that doesn't fluctuate, sometimes outdoor conditions have an impact. If you're prone to feeling cold, bring an extra light layer or two with you. Similarly, pack a pair of shorts if you know you're going to get hot.


Depending on where your tour takes you, you're likely to find yourself facing the glare of the sun at some stage. Wearing sunglasses will become essential for your comfort and safety. In addition to helping you look at the sites around you, a good pair will provide UV protection for your eyes and the areas surrounding them. In the short-term, this minimises discomfort, and in the long term, it will keep your eyesight healthy.

Earplugs and gum

When you're heading on a charter bus tour that's long, you may find that the journey cuts into your usual bedtime. When this is the case, packing earplugs is the best way to drown out the noise around you and enjoy a good rest. If you're likely to return in the early hours of the morning, having gum to hand is an excellent substitute for brushing your teeth. You can use it to feel fresh until you return to your home or hotel room.

With a little preparation, your charter bus tour can easily feel as comfortable as any other journey.